Fetch and convert online flash videos
Installation of prerequisite utilities:
- Perl module: WWW::Mechanize
- get-flash-videos
- ffmpeg
$ sudo cpan install WWW::Mechanize $ git clone https://github.com/monsieurvideo/get-flash-videos.git /path/to/get-flash-videos $ ln -s /usr/local/bin/get_flash_videos /path/to/get-flash-videos/get_flash_videos
For the installation of ffmpeg, see http://www.ffmpeg.org/download.html.
Download flash-video-archiver scripts:
$ git clone https://github.com/moleculea/flash-video-archiver.git flash-video-archiver
Create a file of video link list, e.g. videos.txt:
$ cat /path/to/videos.txt http://example.com/video/4438 http://example.com/video/4512 http://example.org/video/hjkl
Fetch videos and convert them into MP4:
$ cd flash-video-archiver $ ./fetch.sh /path/to/videos.txt /path/to/output/directory $ ./convert.sh /path/to/output/directory